Interview with Marie Polli (ConversionXL): Shops must also focus on traffic and conversion optimization (VIDEO)

Marie Polli, ConvesionXL Senior Optimization Strategist, has come for the first to Romania to attend the GPeC Summit on 25-26-27 May. Marie gave us a fresh ConversionXL perspective on conversion optimization in e-commerce.

After the presentation held on the first day at GPeC Summit, our official reporter Andra Zaharia (Marcom Manager Heimdal Security) interviewed Marie:

GPeC brings you every time premium e-commerce content because we want you to receive the most updated and useful information in digital marketing and e-commerce. The GPeC Summit on May 25-26-27 2016 gathered around 850 participants from the e-commerce and online marketing industries in Central and Eastern Europe, for a 3-day intensive e-commerce event and also a lot of international notorious speakers, most of them for the first time at such an important event in the region.

GPeC 2016, the anniversary 11-year edition, is an event powered by FAN Courier – the leader of the courier market in Romania

Event supported by:, ALTEX, AVON, Competence Call Center,ContentSpeed, DPD, DWF, Frisbo, Garanti Bank, Mediapost Hit Mail,Microsoft,New Black, NewsMAN, by Credius,Orange,PayU,SALESmanago, Simartis,, Visa, Zitec

Recommended Payment Processor Partner: mobilPay

Limousine Service: Citylimo

Mobility Partner: BMW

Official Radio: KissFM

With the support of: 2Parale, Agile Media, Alin Dobrin Photo, Canopy, Casa de Traduceri,Creadiv, CustomSoft, ECOMpedia, easyhost, enRose, Extended, Infinity Trophy,Marketizator, Saveur, Silkweb, SmartBill,TeaForte,,WebDigital,White Image, Zelist

Proud to be promoted by:

Partner blogs: Adrian Gabriel Orbai, Alin Vlad, Andra Zaharia, Auras Mihai Geambasu, Carmen Albisteanu, Claudia Tocila, Corina-Maria Scheianu, Cristian China Birta, Cristian Iosub, Cristina Chipurici, Elena Ciric, Fulvia Meirosu, George Hari Popescu, Ionut Bunescu, Lavinia Biberi, Marius Ovidiu Calugaru, Madalin Blidaru, Olivian Breda, Ovidiu Balcacian, Sabina Cornovac

Media partners: AdHugger, AGORA, ANIS, ARIES, Business Days, Business Woman, Cariere, Comunicate de Afaceri, Comunicate de Presa, CTRL-D,ECOMJOBS, Femei In Afaceri, FNTM, HowToWeb, HRB Trends, IAB Romania,IQads, Institutul de Marketing, Jurnalul de Afaceri, Lumea SEO PPC,Magazinul Progresiv,, MarketingFocus, NewEditionNews, Romania Pozitiva,Shopmania BIZ, Softlead, SMARK,, TechCafe, TechHub, Ziua de Constanta