News of the week: a new law, PayU merger, 2Parale survey

Online shopHere are the most important 5 news pieces about e-commerce from the last 7 days.

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No more cardboard boxes in the house!

AmbalajOur partners from are warning us about a new law with effect on the Romanian e-commerce: no. 249/2015. Article 16: “Conditioning the consumer legal rights, under any circumstances, in relation with the purchased product, with the preserving of the outer packaging, is forbidden”. From now on, the online shops ARE OBLIGED to accept returned products without the outer packaging. If contrary, shops will be held liable, with fines between 15.000 and 25.000 lei. has more about this


F64 business news

F64Here are some important quotes from a recent interview with Marian Alecsiu, co-founder: “this year, we have an objective surpassing 24 million euros and, until now, we are on schedule”; “our partnership with eMag means our listing in the Marketplace, and for us this means a normal step forward”; “this year, we don’t have any plans of expanding and we will announce any business development at the right moment”.

Read the interview at


PayU Romania = PayU Poland

PayU RomaniaPayU Romania, the biggest local online payment processor, will be merged into PayU Poland, along with PayU Hungary and PayU Czech Republic, the process being part of the Naspers-owned group’s strategy of reorganization. PayU intends to reduce the bureaucracy and the unnecessary steps, for the customers’ satisfaction. The merger will be finalized by March 31st 2016, according to the common corss-border merger plan.

All the details, at


Over 40% of products sold online in China are fake

Produse contrafacute ChinaAccording to a study presented to the high representatives of the Chinese Parliament, less than 59% of the products sold online last year have been “original or good quality”. China tried to get rid of its “fame” for selling fake and counterfeited goods, a fame that came with big problems for the world-known brands such as Apple and the luxury retailer LVMH.

Read the article at


Are you an affiliate? Make a wish!

2parale2Parale, partner of the GPeC, is asking the affiliates’ opinion about Black Friday. If you are one, fill in the form at Among the questions, there are some that ask for the affiliates’ expectations from the 2Parale companies and from the affiliate network itself. Also, affiliates are asked to offer advice to the affiliate shops.