Category: Comerț electronic

Te tinem la curent cu cele mai importante stiri si noutati din comertul electronic din Romania si din lume. Dezbatem cifrele pentru piata de e-commerce din Romania, statistici, trenduri si luam pulsul prin interviuri cu cei mai importanti jucatori din comertul online romanesc.

Agenda GPeC SUMMIT May 27-28, 2019

Announcing the GPeC SUMMIT May 27-28 Agenda

Less than three weeks left until we bring back the most important e-commerce & digital marketing event in Romania and Eastern Europe, GPeC SUMMIT May 27-28. We’re super excited to announce today our awesome 2-day agenda. Early Bird tickets (that give you minimum 50 EUR discounts) are on sale until May 16. Save your seat now for the lowest possible price!

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Try before you buy, Zalando expands to Europe, how to optimize your email marketing campaigns

The “try-before-you-buy” initiatives take e-commerce by storm As online companies continue to exert an ever greater influence over the consumer products market, a new trend has emerged that could be dangerous for unprepared retailers. The last year has seen companies like ASOS, Topman and schuh introduce try-before-you-buy options for consumers. The effect of the popularity of this kind of online shopping experience among customers is beginning to ripple across the whole sector. However, this trend could spell disaster for retail business owners if they do not prepare by having the right framework and solutions in place to manage returns. → Read more at Marketing Tech News Are you even considering accepting payments in cryptocurrencies? With all the talk about cryptocurrencies, you might be wondering whether your e-commerce business should start accepting them as a form of payment. There is no simple answer to that question. It all depends on the type

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Amazon creates new jobs in Romania, Instagram offers financial tools, we learned about GDPR at GPeC Live

Amazon opens new R&D center in Bucharest, to create 650 new jobs Amazon and Amazon Web Services (AWS) inaugurated its new HQ and research and development facility in Bucharest, creating 650 new jobs in the technology and corporate fields. The new R&D facility in the Romanian capital will work on several technologies, including for home assistant Alexa and for the AWS infrastructure. The e-commerce giant already has 1,000 employees in Romania and has invested over EUR 100 million in the past 13 years. The Bucharest office is located in the northern part of the city and covers over 13,000 sqm on five floors. It includes a new engineering center and one for technology development, including for the testing and language solutions development for Alexa. → Read more at Business Review Instagram is making it easier for customers to talk to businesses and book appointments Instagram is unveiling new features to

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