News of the week: test for consumers, Facebook and e-commerce, flowers sell online

Comerț electronic știrile săptămânii

Here are the most important 5 news pieces about e-commerce from the last 7 days.

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Facebook, a new step toward e-commerce

facebook-shopping-ecommerce-blog-gpecFacebook is adding a shopping section to its social network as part of test for a big e-commerce push. This week they published some information about how this new section will work. We also had a first look at the mobile app with this changes.

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Do you know your rights when shopping online? created a test with 10 questions about rights and obligations consumers have when they shop online. The questions are based on OUG 34/2014 and the test is available in Romanian.

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E-commerce blossoms in Romania

cosuri-de-flori-livrare-flori-de-luxFlowers sell very well online, the online store is a very good example in this way. The store estimates sells of almost 1 million euros this year. The company has at this moment 20 employees and offline stores in Bucharest, Brasov and Cluj.

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Curated shopping, a new trend

personal_shoppingMore and more companies have turned to curated shopping in West European countries.Even if the number of users is small, those who already use the service are very pleased and would like to use it again. Also, 35% of users in Germany declared they are interested in this kind of services and they will try them in the near future.

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14 years of photography with F64

f-64-aniversare-14-ani-fotoF64, an online store from Romania that sells products related to photography, celebrates 14 years of activity. In 2001 the company had 5 employees and now the F64 teams has 130 members.  The online store sells cameras, smartphones, accessories, drones and announced that in the future they will ad 4K televisions to the list.

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