The best e-commerce experts offered specialized consultancy to more than 40 e-shops , during the GPeC Consultancy Meetings

Intalnirile GPeC

42 of the 100 online shops registered in the annual GPeC Competition participated on July 4th at the GPeC Consultancy Meetings, at Crystal Palace Ballrooms in Bucharest. Representatives from shops talked about the jury report after the first phase of the GPeC competition and had the chance to ask for expert recommendations from the best e-commerce specialists in Romania, members of the jury of the GPeC Competition.

As every year in the last 11 years, this spring saw the start of the registration for the GPeC Competition, the most complex competition for e-commerce websites in Romania. Approx. 100 online shops decided to participated in a contest based on more than 120 criteria including the crucial aspects that every online shop should respect in order to be sucessful.

Intalnirile GPeC_round 1The evaluation of the websites registered in the GPeC Competition has two phases and the first one was just completed: the participating shops received the jury report. The online shops that were found to respect the preliminary criteria received the Trustmark and were accepted in the GPeC Competition; they will be further evaluated based on the 120+ criteria including standards about: usability, design, conversion optimization, the order flow, the quality of the provided services, SEO, security, mobile conversion, social media etc.

Every online shop had 50 minutes to discuss with the jury members and all the shops had the chance to find out why they received less points for some of the criteria and what to do to improve.

Cristi MovilaThe usefulness of the GPeC Consultancy Meetings is undisputable because one can be instantly updated with the latest technology innovations and one always has something to learn from the expertise of the jury members who work with e-commerce websites on a daily basis. This adds value to your business”, said Cristi Movila from


I believe that the GPeC Consultancy Meetings shouldn’t be missed by the online shops and the jury members, nor by specialists in this field. Why? Because we too have the chance to better understand the business concept of a specific e-shop, of the niche, of the industry. It’s a win-win situation for the jury members and for the online shops, but also for the e-commerce industry in Romania”, said Alex Lapusan from Zitec.

The final phase of the judging will take place between September – October 2016 and, based on the average points from the two phases, the winners will be officially revealed at the GPeC Awards Gala in November this year.


GPeC 2016, the anniversary 11-year edition, is an event powered by FAN Courier – the leader of the courier market in Romania

Event supported by:, ALTEX, AVON, Competence Call Center,ContentSpeed, DPD, DWF, Frisbo, Garanti Bank, Mediapost Hit Mail,Microsoft,New Black, NewsMAN, by Credius,Orange,PayU,SALESmanago, Simartis,, Visa, Zitec

Recommended Payment Processor Partner: mobilPay

Limousine Service: Citylimo

Mobility Partner: BMW

Official Radio: KissFM

With the support of: 2Parale, Agile Media, Alin Dobrin Photo, Canopy, Casa de Traduceri,Creadiv, CustomSoft, ECOMpedia, easyhost, enRose, Extended, Infinity Trophy,Marketizator, Saveur, Silkweb, SmartBill, TeaForte,,WebDigital,White Image, Zelist

Proud to be promoted by:

Partner blogs: Adrian Gabriel Orbai, Alin Vlad, Andra Zaharia, Auras Mihai Geambasu, Carmen Albisteanu, Claudia Tocila, Corina-Maria Scheianu, Cristian China Birta, Cristian Iosub, Cristina Chipurici, Elena Ciric, Fulvia Meirosu, George Hari Popescu, Ionut Bunescu, Lavinia Biberi, Marius Ovidiu Calugaru, Madalin Blidaru, Olivian Breda, Ovidiu Balcacian, Sabina Cornovac

Media partners: AdHugger, AGORA, ANIS, ARIES, Business Days, Business Woman, Cariere, Comunicate de Afaceri, Comunicate de Presa, CTRL-D,ECOMJOBS, Femei In Afaceri, FNTM, HowToWeb, HRB Trends, IAB Romania,IQads, Institutul de Marketing, Jurnalul de Afaceri, Lumea SEO PPC,Magazinul Progresiv,, MarketingFocus, NewEditionNews, Romania Pozitiva,Shopmania BIZ, Softlead, SMARK,, TechCafe, TechHub, Ziua de Constanta