At the GPeC Summer School, Victor Kapra will conduct a workshop about “Social Media & Content Marketing to Grow Online Sales and Build Customer Loyalty”
Now that we have only a few days left until we start the GPeC E-Commerce Summer School 2016, it’s time for the last planning, the last-minute preparations, but it’s also time to think about all the useful things that we will learn and all the fine people we will meet.
Victor Kapra will conduct a very interesting workshop about social media & content marketing.
Victor’s workshop is called “Social Media & Content Marketing to Grow Online Sales and Build Customer Loyalty” and starts from the basic idea that, unfortunately, for a lot of online shops it’s very difficult to have complete and decent product pages. But the Law of Natural Selection in E-Commerce will ensure the survival (through the sales volume) only for those shops that become constant content providers – or, to put it in other words, publishers. Just to arise your curiosity, the workshop will be centred on these key learning points and techniques:
- Snackable Content
- Storytelling
- Visual Content
- Consumer Generated Content
- Social Media Marketing
Victor Kapra has over 20 years of experience in the economic press; he was Managing Editor for Ziarul financiar and new media content manager at Mediafax Group. Since 2008, he is an independent consultant and trainer in digital communication / social media for top companies and institutions in Romania. Victor conducted over 100 workshops about digital communication in companies, universities and offices in Bucharest and in the European institutions. His favourite subjects are: Branded Content, User Generated Content, Storytelling, Online Conversation & Feedback, Visual Content. He was awarded several scholarships and traineeships in information technology in Europe, USA, Korea and Japan. He has been a blogger for 10 years.
GPeC 2016, the anniversary 11-year edition, is an event powered by FAN Courier – the leader of the courier market in Romania
Event supported by:, ALTEX, AVON, Competence Call Center,ContentSpeed, DPD, DWF, Frisbo, Garanti Bank, Mediapost Hit Mail,Microsoft,New Black, NewsMAN, by Credius,Orange,PayU,SALESmanago, Simartis,, Visa, Zitec
Recommended Payment Processor Partner: mobilPay
Limousine Service: Citylimo
Mobility Partner: BMW
Official Radio: KissFM
With the support of: 2Parale, Agile Media, Alin Dobrin Photo, Canopy, Casa de Traduceri,Creadiv, CustomSoft, ECOMpedia, easyhost, enRose, Extended, Infinity Trophy,Marketizator, Saveur, Silkweb, SmartBill,TeaForte,,WebDigital,White Image, Zelist
Proud to be promoted by:
Partner blogs: Adrian Gabriel Orbai, Alin Vlad, Andra Zaharia, Auras Mihai Geambasu, Carmen Albisteanu, Claudia Tocila, Corina-Maria Scheianu, Cristian China Birta, Cristian Iosub, Cristina Chipurici, Elena Ciric, Fulvia Meirosu, George Hari Popescu, Ionut Bunescu, Lavinia Biberi, Marius Ovidiu Calugaru, Madalin Blidaru, Olivian Breda, Ovidiu Balcacian, Sabina Cornovac
Media partners: AdHugger, AGORA, ANIS, ARIES, Business Days, Business Woman, Cariere, Comunicate de Afaceri, Comunicate de Presa, CTRL-D,ECOMJOBS, Femei In Afaceri, FNTM, HowToWeb, HRB Trends, IAB Romania,IQads, Institutul de Marketing, Jurnalul de Afaceri, Lumea SEO PPC,Magazinul Progresiv,, MarketingFocus, NewEditionNews, Romania Pozitiva,Shopmania BIZ, Softlead, SMARK,, TechCafe, TechHub, Ziua de Constanta