Category: E-Commerce HowTos & Resources

How-to’s and resources on e-commerce and digital marketing

David Meerman Scott - Real-time Marketing @ GPeC SUMMIT 2018

You start to sell when you stop selling. David Meerman Scott’s insights on Real-Time Marketing and Buyer Personas for eCommerce

The way people buy nowadays has completely changed. Pushing products and services towards a broad, shapeless audience will not advance your sales anymore. It will cost you loads of money and you’ll end up turning people off. Instead, you need to focus on creating the right buyer personas for your business and start to sell when the buyer is ready. How do you do that? Digital Marketing Strategist and bestselling author David Meerman Scott has the right equation, which includes Real-Time Marketing, Newsjacking, being active in social media and taking part in the conversations that are happening. Learn more in the interview below.

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Romanian eCommerce Market Report - GPeC 2018

In 2018, Romanians have made online purchases worth more than 3,5 billion EUR, a 30% increase YoY | The 2018 GPeC Romanian eCommerce Market Report

The entire Romanian retail market is estimated at 45 billion euros, which means that the e-commerce market (3.5+ billion euros) represents approx. 8% of total retail, rising significantly from 5,6% in 2017 and approx. 4% in 2016. The percentage is low compared to other developed countries, but shows the huge growth potential of the Romanian e-commerce market in the coming years.

Romania’s e-commerce market grew significantly in 2018 and reveals an increased appetite for online shopping, advancing other countries and becoming a very interesting market for foreign investors who have already begun their online business in .RO. Now is the best time for any entrepreneur or company to start an online business – the market is still permissive enough and the accelerated growth trend will continue in 2019 and the following years.

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Video interview with Matt Komorowski (PayPal): mobile commerce is growing 3 times faster than desktop

8 international speakers were present at the GPeC Summit from May 2015 including Matt Komorowski, Head of Sales PayPal Central and Eastern Europe. Raluca Radu talked with Matt about PayPal’s activity in Romania and about international orders. Watch the video interview below or on the official GPeC Youtube channel!

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Video interview with Matthew Woodward: online stores need to focus on problem solving content

Matthew Woodward, SEO & Affiliate Marketing Expert, was one of the international speakers from GPeC Summit, from May 2015. Matthew talked with Raluca Radu about content marketing and how problem solving content can help online stores. Watch the video interview below or on the official GPeC Youtube channel!

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