Category: World E-Commerce

World E-Commerce news, analyses and many other important resources

From the Internet of Things to voice interface: how ecommerce directors plan to invest

Some 35% of ecommerce, multichannel and digital directors questioned for a study by commerce consultancy Salmon, quoted by Internet Retailing, said enabling the Internet of Things was a priority as they looked to drive sales and improve the customer experience. The research, which also questioned directors at wholesale and manufacturing companies, found that 61% were currently investing in the IoT, 69% in robots and 60% in machine learning.

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IREU Top500 Mobile & Cross-channel Report: personalize, personalize, personalize

In the second IREU Top500 Performance Dimension Report, the focus is on mobile and cross-channel retail. One device, in particular, has transformed this area: the smartphone. See how retailers are using mobile in their business models as they trade at scale in this continent, and how the use of mobile varies between markets.

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The mobile is the ideal tool for payments

According to the latest survey of mobile money from the Mobile Ecosystem Forum (MEF), 18% of people globally saying they have used their mobile phone in a shop in 2016. The research findings do show that in a year the use of mobile in stores to pay for things has jumped from 8% to 18%, largely driven by Apple Pay in China. What is important about mobile payments: the convenience; the security; the management of paying across the web, stores, anywhere.

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What can we learn from the DKNY’s website redesign

DKNY is debuting a new e-commerce site in partnership with Farfetch in another attempt at reinvention. DKNY will use Farfetch to emphasize personalization and customer service, using technologies like individualized messaging, a comprehensive mobile platform and easy checkout. “We agreed that the best e-commerce sites are simple and direct,” said John Sampogna, co-CEO and founding partner of Wondersauce, the advertising agency that helped conceptualize the new site. “We’ve given them ultimate flexibility to express the brand in dynamic ways while ensuring easy conversion paths for customers. This is complemented by a transparent checkout system, which offers complete visibility during the checkout process.”

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