Category: World E-Commerce

World E-Commerce news, analyses and many other important resources

RESEARCH Online reviews have the power to make customers buy more

The Unfaithful Consumer, a research into the UK’s shopping habits has revealed that customers write a collective total of 119 million reviews a year, says Internet Retailer. Because more people post reviews, more people read them, and in turn they give their own feedback, which is picked up by a new group of customers. As a successor to forums, online reviews have become a tool of choice for shoppers and a key part in the process of discovery and purchasing. Shoppers feel reassured by other people’s experiences and this is becoming a powerful influencer in the decision making process. According to The Unfaithful Consumer report, 76% of online shoppers said they discover new products through reviews and recommendations on websites and social media channels. In addition, more than half said they base their purchasing decisions on customer reviews.

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Craig Sullivan, Keynote Speaker at GPeC Summit: 6 UX tips useful for any companies

We asked Craig Sullivan to offer the GPeC community some UX tips useful for any companies, particularly startups and here is an article writter by him. You will have the chance to meet Craig at the GPeC Summit, on November 15th, when he will keynote about “GROWTH OPTIMISATION AND A/B TESTING FOR A MOBILE WORLD: GETTING IT RIGHT”.   At all stages of growth, particularly in the early stage, you need an easy and cheap way of understanding your consumer usability, psychology, behaviour – what they *feel* about your experience. You might not have enough traffic to AB test or experiment but you need to get the growth that will make that stuff happen, right? The great news is that you are already sitting on some amazing information, if you go looking for it. (1) Customer Service & Sales Here are some questions to ask your Sales and Customer service teams,

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INTERVIEW “The next big challenge in marketing is to humanize the processes” – Talia Wolf, keynote speaker at GPeC Summit 2016

For GPeC Summit November 15-16, we bring you for the first time in Romania Talia Wolf, Conversion Optimization Expert. Talia is a real ”rising star” in CRO, being present for the last 2 years as one of the keynote speakers for worldwide famous conferences like Conversion XL Live, Conversion Conference, Conversion Summit, Emerce. Raluca Radu sat down with Talia, to hear more about her experience and to give you a glimpse of her keynote speech at the GPeC Summit. Talia, you talk a lot about conversion rate optimization and the use of emotional targeting. Could you please sum up for our readers what emotional targeting means and what it brings new as an online sales growth philosophy? Emotional targeting focuses on getting to know your customers on a deeper level than just behavioral elements such as gender, age, and device. It’s about putting the customer first – not the product or business

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Romanians don’t like shopping for groceries online

Romania is well behind the curve with 0.2% of grocery sales occurring online, writes The Merkle. To put this into perspective, 6.9% of all UK grocery sales occur through e-commerce, which is quite a high number. This shows a large gap between different countries on the same continent, which leaves room for entrepreneurs to find solutions to close it.

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