Larry Kim (WordStream): Google is still the king, but the shift in mobile is favorable for Facebook advertising
Larry Kim (Founder & CTO WordStream) has definitely been one of the most influential online marketers world-wide for the past few years, especially when it comes to PPC and this fact was also acknowledged by the PPC Hero Blog who named him the most influential PPC expert in 2014 and 2013. Larry Kim was present for the first time in Romania at GPeC Summit November 2015 and shared with the audience 10 Insanely Great Ways to Sell Your Stuff on Social Media.
After the keynote, Larry was interviewed by our colleague – Raluca Radu (Digital Marketing Consultant) – and shared some more practical tips and tricks, which we hope you’ll find useful. According to the interview, Larry believes that the successful digital marketing mix for an average online marketing company would be somewhere around 50%-50% for customer acquisition (search ads covering branded terms and core keywords for the business) and customer retention (remarketing and demand generation campaigns on social media). As far as PPC channels are concerned, Larry believes that business who sell to demographics should focus on Facebook Ads while businesses who are direct-response (where people know what they are looking for) should focus on Google AdWords and Google Display Network.
Larry underlines that Facebook Ads don’t convert as well as Google PPC and this is mainly because of the commercial intent which is not so present in Facebook’s user’s mind. However, Larry shares some tips to optimize Facebook Ads campaigns in order to get a good ROI for your campaigns and also emphasizes the fact that Facebook Ads campaigns create new demand in comparison to Google, where you are just actually targeting existing market.
As far as bidding for brand keywords in Google AdWords, Larry believes that only 5-10% of PPC budget should be allocated there and the reasons for this budget is mainly in order to block competitors from bidding on your brand and in order to raise the overall Quality Score of the Google AdWords account and to get better results from your campaigns.
You can watch Larry Kim’s interview at GPeC Summit November 2015 below and find out more useful digital marketing insights:
If you want to learn more from Larry, you can find loads of his articles online as Larry is one of the most active digital marketing columnists for top notch publications like Wordstream Blog, Search Engine Journal, Marketing Profs, Search Engine Watch, Small Biz Trends, Search Engine Land, Forbes, Inc. Magazine, Online Marketing Institute, MediaPost, Marketing Land, Hubspot, Moz, Social Media Today, Linkedin,
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