Tag: gpec summit

dennis yu

Video is the future – Talking with Dennis Yu about using video content to build trust among clients

“What’s more compelling, a video of someone using the product, or a picture?” is what Dennis Yu, CEO BlitzMetrics, wanted online businesses to think about during his interview at GPeC SUMMIT May 2019. We talked with him about how easy it is to create content that catches your target audience’s eye, about how to use video content to build trust among clients and about how AI will help run better Facebook ads.

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Gerry McGovern

Talking UX with Gerry McGovern: Understanding customers and how to build sustainable relationships

A growing interest among marketers and entrepreneurs is getting a deeper understanding of their customers. We talked at GPeC SUMMIT about this trend with Gerry McGovern, founder and CEO of Customer Carewords, and he shared some insights about how big names in e-commerce build sustainable customer relationships and maintain customer loyalty.

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Jono Alderson - ecommerce websites

Jono Alderson and the future of digital marketing: “We need to think bigger. We need to be audience-centric”

Nobody wants to go to a website and look through e-commerce pages. Nobody wants to fill out conversion forms. That’s a dysfunction of an earlier internet. Consumer behavior is changing. People are more likely to want to consume content and transact on places like WeChat, WhatsApp, Facebook. Maybe that means that websites are less important. Maybe the way we think about marketing and getting people to a site and getting them to convert, misses the point and needs to change radically.

At GPeC SUMMIT we talked to Jono Alderson about the implications of changes in user behavior, especially with the emergence of machine learning systems and assistive devices. How will this affect the job of the marketer? Read more in the interview below.

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Wil Reynolds - SEO ranking at GPeC SUMMIT

Talking SEO with Wil Reynolds: “The best SEO tactic is to build up on your brand”

There are many types of SEO practices, from technical, to content and link-building. How do you know which one’s best for your online business? If you really want to see a good return on your investment, Wil Reynolds believes you have to start from a place of data.

Wil Reynolds is the Founder and Strategy Director of Seer Interactive, a company that he set up on his own in 2002, offering SEO, PPC and Analytics services for all types of businesses. Wil has 15 years of experience in search trends and is regularly invited at the most important marketing conferences around the world to talk about the future of search and content marketing.

Wil came to keynote for the first time in Romania at GPeC SUMMIT on big data and e-commerce search marketing. In the interview below we talk about the main ideas he delivered on stage.

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