Video interview with Yauhen Khutarniuk: You should remove the content that is not valuable to the end customer
Yauhen Khutarniuk (Head of SEO at was one of the international speakers at GPeC Summit (May 2015, Bucharest). Raluca Radu interview Yauhen about his presentation, entitled “Make your SEO work harder: tactics you can implement to your e-commerce site right now”.
Watch the video interview with Yauhen Khutarniuk!
Yauhen Khutarniuk manages SEO and traffic acquisition at Link-Assistant.Com, the developer of the world-famous SEO PowerSuite toolkit. With over 9 years of experience in internet marketing, Yauhen is one of the SEO pioneers in Belarus. He is passionate about natural language processing, web analytics and testing innovative optimization strategies.
In his presentation Yauhen informed us about recent algorithm updates from Google (for example, Mobilegeddon, Panda, Penguin and other) and gives advice on how to deal with them. He also talked about common mistakes people make in e-commerce when they implement SEO tactics. Regarding content marketing, Yauhen encourages online store to publish great content and to remove everything that is not valuable to the end customer.