E-commerce Market Report 2017: Romanians purchased online 2.8 billion euro worth of products (UPDATE with infographic)
According to figures and estimates of the main players in the Romanian e-commerce, together with GPeC (all sources are mentioned at the end of the report), the value of online shopping reached 2.8 billion euros in 2017, at least 40% more than in 2016 (when the total gross was of 1.8 to 2 billion euros). It means that Romanians spent an average of 7.67 million euros every day in 2017, for online shopping. The 2.8 billion euros refer strictly to e-tail, to physical (tangible) products that were ordered online and it doesn’t include services, utility bills, air tickets, holidays, hotel bookings, show tickets, downloadable content etc. If we added those, the total amount of online purchases would increase considerably. E-commerce share of total retail: 5.6% The increase of approx. 40% year over year, recorded by the Romanian e-commerce market, is one of the highest in the European Union. The value
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