10 reasons not to miss GPeC Summit May 25-26-27

Less than 2 weeks to go until GPeC Summit May 25-26-27, probably the most anticipated e-commerce event of the year in Central and Eastern Europe. We thank all those who already registered and we are really looking forward to seeing them (again). We can’t emphasize enough how honored we are to have people from all over Central and Eastern Europe coming to Bucharest for GPeC Summit May 25-26-27.

10 motive sa participi la GPeC SummitJust to give you a few insights why this GPeC Summit is simply a must-attend event:

1. You find out the latest e-commerce market insights and statistics, the main categories of products sold online, the market segments with potential, the consumer behavior, the issues, trends and future expectations in e-commerce;

2. You are one step ahead of your competition and you widen your knowledge with Premium content from top specialists in the industry: David Darmanin (Hotjar), Brian Dean (Backlinko), Daniel Waisberg (Google), Alex Langshur (Cardinal Path) are just 4 of the 9 international speakers you will meet live at GPeC Summit. Check out the complete speaker lineup here;

3. You get to choose from 12 different practical Workshops x 90 minutes each, focused on the hottest topics for any online retailer: conversion rate optimization, tips and tricks to grow online sales, customer retention and loyalty, A/B testing, management in e-commerce are just part of the topics discussed at the 12 highly practical workshops. You can find the full list here;

4. You meet the main e-commerce solutions and services providers and you initiate partnerships at GPeC E-Commerce Expo – B2B e-commerce expo for companies in the industry and online shops;

GPeC Summit Mai 2016, Bucuresti5. You network with the e-commerce elite in Central and Eastern Europe: online shops, courier services, logistics providers, online payments processors, web development agencies, digital marketing agencies, e-commerce tools, price comparison engines, SEO specialists, e-commerce consultants, online marketing specialists etc. – you will meet all the partners your business needs at GPeC Summit May 25-26-27;

6. You get the chance to address questions to international speakers and to discuss with them face to face: they are all internationally appraised experts, most of them for the first time in Romania at GPeC Summit;

7. You get business leads from the main companies’ top management in the industry. You will meet decision makers at GPeC Summit: CEOs, General Managers, Marketing & PR Managers, Product & Brand Managers, Business Developers;

8. During the 3 GPeC Summit days, you find out practical tips on how to sell more online: Conversion Optimization, Online Marketing, SEO, Usability, Web Analytics, Split Testing, Customer Experience, Social Media, Courier Best Practices, Management, E-Commerce Market Overview, Trends, Case Studies. You get a total of 27 hours of Premium e-commerce content.

9. You have fun with some of the coolest people in the online and e-commerce industries at GPeC Rock’N’E-Commerce Party on the May 25 evening. You’re in for an amazing and memorable party in True Social Club located in Bucharest Old Town area. We’ve also got the awesome The ROCK (AC/DC Tribute Band) band with us who are preparing a special live concert for all of you. The first beer is on us!;



10. You get to join the GPeC Community – the largest e-commerce community, which will welcome you on the long term.

Last days of Early Bird offer for GPeC Summit

You get only until May 152016,11:59 PM, to book your seat for GPeC Summit and take advantage of the Early Bird discount. Until May 15, the price of a 3-day-pass is 147 EUR (VAT included), and during the May 16-22 timeframe the same ticket price becomes 207 EUR VAT included so you save 60 EUR if you register now! The ticket price included catering for 3 days as well as simultaneous translation services (Romanian-English and the other way around – and this is only needed for Romanian speakers) for the first Conference day.
Th event agenda can be seen here in detail, and registrations for GPeC Summit should be done by filling the online formhttp://www.gpec.ro/en/registration-gpec-summit-may/


GPeC 2016, the 11th annual edition, is an event powered by FAN Courier – the leader of the Romanian courier market

Eveniment sponsored by: Allpacka.ro, ALTEX, AVON, Competence Call Center, ContentSpeed, DPD, DWF, Frisbo, Garanti Bank, Mediapost Hit Mail, Microsoft, New Black, NewsMAN, Online-Online.ro by Credius, Oracle, Orange, PayU, SALESmanago, Simartis, Retargeting.biz, Visa, Zitec

Recommended Payment Processor Partner: mobilPay

Limousine Service: Citylimo

Event supported by: 2Parale, AdvancedIdeas, Agile Media, Alin Dobrin Photo, Alisia ENCO, Canopy, ECOMpedia, easyhost, enRose, Infinity Trophy, Marketizator, Silkweb, TRUSTED.ro, WebDigital, White Image, Zelist

Proud to have the amazing support of our partners:

Official bloggers: Adrian Gabriel Orbai, Alin Vlad, Andra Zaharia, Auras Mihai Geambasu, Carmen Albisteanu, Claudia Tocila, Corina-Maria Scheianu, Cristian China Birta, Cristian Iosub, Cristina Chipurici, Elena Ciric, Fulvia Meirosu, George Hari Popescu, Ionut Bunescu, Lavinia Biberi, Marius Ovidiu Calugaru, Madalin Blidaru, Olivian Breda, Ovidiu Balcacian, Sabina Cornovac

Media partners: AdHugger, AGORA, ANIS, ARIES, Business Days, Business Woman, Cariere, Comunicate de Afaceri, Comunicate de Presa, CTRL-D, ECOMJOBS, Femei In Afaceri, FNTM, HowToWeb, HRB Trends, IAB Romania, IQads, Institutul de Marketing, Jurnalul de Afaceri, Lumea SEO PPC, Magazinul Progresiv, Manager.ro, MarketingFocus, NewEditionNews, Romania Pozitiva, Shopmania BIZ, Softlead, SMARK, Startups.ro, TechCafe, TechHub, Ziua de Constanta