13 experți de top de pe 3 continente vin la SERP – principala conferință de SEO din Europa de Est
SERP Conference 2023 – cea mai importantă conferință dedicată exclusiv SEO din Europa de Est va avea loc pe 12 Octombrie în Sofia. Evenimentul va reuni peste 500 de participanți din Europa de Est, reprezentanți ai întregului ecosistem de e-commerce. În calitate de parteneri ai evenimentului va invităm să profitați de prețurile reduse care se vor modifică odată cu dată de 1 Septembrie și să participați la evenimentul cu tema „SEO Practices Without Limits”. Focusul evenimentului este pe schimbările inerente în algoritmii Google precum și pe emergența noilor tehnologii precum Inteligență Artificială care vor schimba fundamental SEO.
Pe 12 octombrie, 13 experți de TOP de pe 3 continente vor răspunde celor mai arzătoare întrebări pe tema optimizării pentru motoarele e căutare. Vor vorbi despre Inteligență Artificială (AI) și întrebuințarea acestei tehnologii în SEO, content marketing și promovare precum și rolul pe care îl va juca în viitorul e-commerce-ului. Alături de alți specialiști cu experiență din domeniul SEO, pe scenă vor urcă și proprietari de business-uri online care, implementând strategii de SEO de succes, au reușit să își dezvolte brandurile și să își crească veniturile de peste 10 ori.
În calitate de parteneri ai evenimentului din prețul biletului pe baza codului: GPeC-SERPConf-20
Lăsăm în continuare comunicarea oficială a evenimentului cu speakerii și specialiștii invitați: Judith Lewis, Hristina
(Tina) Mangelova, Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR, Natalia Witczyk, Craig Campbell, Begum Kaya, Dido Grigorov.
- Judith Lewis is Founder at DeCabbit Consultancy. Judith is a renowned international consultant, speaker, writer, trainer, blogger, digital media consultant and judge for the industry leading Search Awards worldwide and has done so every year since their inception. She is a regular speaker and trainer worldwide on SEO, content strategy, link building, paid media and digital strategy and is recognized by her peers as one of the most influential people in the UK digital industry.
- Hristina (Tina) Mangelova is Head of SEO & Content Marketing at Growth Skills. Tina is an SEO specialist with a demonstrated history of driving organic growth as both an in-house manager and an external consultant in the fast-past New York City tech world. Her curiosity to explore the effects of digital technologies on human behavior, global cultures & emerging trends is fueled by her background in anthropology and computer science.
- Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR – Founder and Owner of Holistic SEO &Digital. Koray Tuğberk publishes SEO Case Studies, Researches, and Detailed A/B Tests along with their results. Koray regularly attends webinars, conferences, and SEO-related events. He focuses on Data Science, Machine Learning, Web Development, Entity-based Contextual Search, Semantic Content Network Creation, and Marketing, Branding, and Reputation Management.
- Natalia Witczyk is a freelance SEO consultant. She specializes in Technical and International SEO, working on SEO strategies for some of the biggest international websites in Google, Yandex and Baidu. Originally from Poland, her experience comes from the agency side, with vast experience first in UK, and for the last 7 years in Barcelona. Natalia is an active member of Mujeres en SEO (Women in SEO community) and industry awards judge.
- Craig Campbell – SEO Trainer & Consultant at Craig Campbell Company. Digital Marketing Expert, business owner & author, based in Glasgow with 18 years’ experience in SEO. Regular Speaker at the top worldwide top conferences. Craig is one of the most knowledgeable SEOs in the business.
- Begum Kaya is Founder & SEO Consultant at BK Solutions, as well as the moderator of the Opinionated SEO Opinions Series with The Gray Dot Co. She began her career at an agency in Istanbul, specializing in technical SEO for B2B and e-commerce businesses. Since then, she has expanded her expertise to the global stage, effectively delivering digital solutions and consultancy to established companies worldwide.
- Dido Grigorov is an SEO specialist with almost 20 years of professional experience. He is the Head of SEO of Serpact. His SEO career began in America and England, followed by projects in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, France, Italy and many more. His main focus and interest are Text retrieval, Machine learning, Artificial intelligence, Google Patents, Content marketing strategies, Technical SEO, Data structure and Algorithms, Python, Golang and C++ programming.
What will the SERP look like for the millions of businesses on Google and Bing?
Millions of online marketers and Lead Generation companies depend on Google and Bing. The big changes announced by Bing in relation to ChatGPT and Google are changing and reshaping the market for the best converting channel in the history of digital marketing – Organic Traffic (SEO).
The conference will discuss hot topics such as:
- Is Google penalizing AI generated content as the search engine will soon be powered by artificial intelligence?
- What steps can a business take for better visibility in Google search results?
- What is the risk if the business does nothing and waits for the changes?
- Should we turn our attention to Bing?
- How to allocate our digital marketing budgets?
The main topics in focus of this year’s program are presented in 5 panels:
- Technical SEO;
- E-commerce SEO;
- AI & SEO;
- Python & SEO;
- Future of SEO.
SERP Conf. 2023 is for those who are looking for real practical knowledge and challenges. For those who consider SEO a world of endless possibilities! For those with a competitive spirit and technology as a calling! The conference is an opportunity for online businesses and entrepreneurs to take their business to the next level and an opportunity to build international partnerships.
Organizer for the third consecutive year of SERP Conf. 2023 is a Serpact SEO agency. The conference is supported by the industrial branch partners: Ecommerce Europe, Bulgarian E-commerce Association (BEA), GPeC, Albanian E-commerce Association, Macedonian E-commerce Association and others.
Get 20% off the ticket price with promo code: GPeC-SERPConf-20
Prices go up on September 1st.
For more information and registration, visit the conference website: https://serpconf.com
For SEO agency Serpact
Serpact was founded in 2016 and today, 7 years later, its team consists of 22 talented professionals who work
and develop in the company. Together with the founder Nikola Minkov, all of them are the reason why Serpact
became one of the leading SEO agencies in Bulgaria and Europe, and established itself on the world stage.
To date, the agency’s team is proud of over 2,500 successful SEO projects, and thanks to them, Serpact has
won 14 international awards from prestigious competitions such as Global Search Awards, European Search
Awards, Clutch, Web Excellence Awards, Vega Awards and more. Most of the awards are won precisely for
successes and achievements with their clients.
Serpact is a full member of the Bulgarian E-commerce Association and a member of the Board of Directors.
Learn more about Serpact: https://serpact.com/