Lună: decembrie 2013

Northern European e-commerce expected to reach 31 billion in 2013, 7.1% growth

Northern European B2C e-commerce is developing extremely well. This is apparent from the new Northern Europe B2C E-commerce Report, published by Ecommerce Europe, the European umbrella organisation for online retailers. The total Northern European e-commerce economy of online sold goods and services amounted €28.4 billion in 2012 and is expected to grow to €31 billion in 2013. Figures in Ecommerce Europe reports are based on the European Measurement Standard for Ecommerce (EMSEC). Online sales will reach €31 billion in 2013 The Northern European region, including Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland and the Baltic states, is now in fourth position for e-commerce size, with a 9.2% European market share. In 2012 the total B2C e-commerce economy of Northern Europe amounted €28.4 billion, a 10% growth compared to 2011. Online sales of goods and services are forecast to reach €31 billion in 2013, a growth of 7.1% in comparison with 2012. Denmark

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A fost Fashion E-Commerce Trends Panel la GPeC 2013

Unul dintre cele mai asteptate panel-uri de la evenimentul anului in e-commerce, GPeC 2013, a fost acela de online fashion. Fashion E-Commerce Trends Panel i-a avut in componenta pe Alin Stanciu (Founder & Managing Partner, Andreea Raicu (Owner, Cristina Popa (Country Manager, Dorin Boerescu (CEO 2Parale), Mirela Bucovicean (Owner – moderator Vicki Nicola (Managing Partner MyMedia / The Group). Inregistrarea video a acestuia poate fi vizionata mai jos:

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